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Monday 31 October 2011

Blogging NaNoWriMo 2011: So Unprepared

It was only when I was sat on the train earlier that I realised November begins tomorrow and that, consequently, so does NaNoWriMo. I know I have the idea but I've got very little besides. I like to have some sense of where I'm going before I set off, particularly when faced with the daunting prospect of 50,000 words in thirty days.

Doing some quick flow-charting in my notebook, I've established the plot arcs I see occurring. I've also got the first scene set out in my head, which should be enough to get me through the first day at least. I'll be kicking off this year as I have on my previous two attempts: at midnight on the dot I'll be ready to go. If I can get a thousand words down it'll be a good nudge to continue tomorrow night.

I'm kidding myself if I think I've got thirty days to complete this. A glance at my diary tells me that the three weekend ahead are pre-booked. That's the time I'd really knuckle down to writing because weekdays are predominantly PhD time, particularly as I flounder towards my upgrade in January. If it's a choice between failing that and failing NaNoWriMo... Well, there can't be a contest. However much I want to dither!

So... At midnight this evening Lauren Hobson will walk into a laundrette (I need a name for it...) to start the new job she thinks is humiliating to have to do. She'll meet her new boss, Shelley, and then be thrown into disarray by the arrival of a mouthy teenager who has been abandoned on the doorstep. If I get to that stage I'll be more than happy!

Good luck to everyone else participating this year. Find me on the NaNoWriMo site as CharmedLassie and become a buddy. I think I'm going to need them!


Debbie Coope said...

I'll be there midnight too, with cups of tea all lined up.

All the best for NaNo.
You're on my list.

Steven Chapman said...

Good luck, Lucy! Doing NaNo whilst trying to finish PhD stuff is a ridiculous challenge which means anything you get done for it is a huge bonus! Hope to meet you at some of the get-togethers.

CharmedLassie said...

I've added you back, Debbie. Hopefully we can spur each other on to the finish line. Good luck getting started tonight.

Steven - I'm aware I'm insane. However, I believe that's how I stumbled across your blog so it's not all bad! I'll keep tabs on the meet-ups and see if I can make one.