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Monday, 5 September 2011

Climbing Back to Progress

The other week I went indoor climbing for the first time in six months. Prior to that, I hadn't been for about eight months. So I was somewhat out of practice. Add to that the fact that my fear heights usually consumes me each time I manage to get a few feet off the floor and you'll understand why I was apprehensive. However, after conquering my first (very high) wall by nervously singing songs from Sweeney Todd under my breath, I did something I'd never done before - literally threw myself into climbing until everything hurt and I was dangling precariously on a rope while reaching for a hold I could never get. Previously, I wouldn't go for anything remotely out of reach, my fear of slipping and bashing myself was too vivid. But I actually did slip and bruise my knee quite badly. The worst sort of happened and I was still climbing.

This past weekend I opened up a WIP I abandoned a few weeks ago when my PhD schedule became all-consuming. I'd left it at around 28,000 words. I'd finished Part One (of three) and faltered as I couldn't fathom how to progress. Taking a leaf out of climber-me's book, I just started writing. I knew my characters pretty well; I had a vague idea of where I wanted to go - why shouldn't I write? Well, on Saturday I added 3,500 to my word count and at least another 1,000 on Sunday. By forcing myself to begin writing, much as I forced myself to begin climbing, I found that I soon got into the swing of it.

One final note: after climbing I was in agony for two days. My forearms burned to the extent that reading a book was painful. When I awoke one morning I thought I was fine, then I moved and pretty much started crying. I've experienced something similar with the writing: by devoting my weekend to this novel I woke up on Monday utterly drained and lacking a weekend break. My head feels like sawdust and, I suspect, my PhD work thus far is demonstrating that. Still, progress in one area is better than progress in none...


Mockingbird said...

Songs from Sweeney Todd?? Hunny, I think you just made my week!! :D

CharmedLassie said...

I'm convinced there's nothing at all odd in singing 'A Little Priest'... Although maybe in a converted church like Alter Rock in Derby I was pushing my luck a bit!

Steven Chapman said...

Been there, Lucy. Nothing quite compares to the crippling pain of climbing after a huge break from it. Last time I went I couldn't make a fist for two days afterwards! I had to pick up drinks with both hands so they didn't slip straight through my fingers! But you went, and you conquered that fear! And that pain! And now you’re in a better position to kick that wall’s arse next time you go…just like your writing, you now know you can jump onto something after a big break and pull yourself up one inch at a time – no matter how agonising – and reach a finish line. Even if it’s only halfway up the wall or halfway down a page, you did it.

Why do we write? Because its there!

CharmedLassie said...

I thought I was fine afterwards - I distinctly recall gloating to you on Twitter that it hurt but not too badly! Then the next day I got my just desserts. Next time I think I'll keep my mouth shut! But I will be putting in the same amount of effort, both climbing and writing wise.