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Wednesday 2 February 2011

Most Promising Feedback Yet

I'm fairly happy at the moment. Which, to say I've just received rejection number two of 2011, is quite surprising. I'd say I'm a pretty normal writer in that when I receive a rejection I automatically begin questioning my resolve to put words on the page. Depending on the veracity of the rejection that can last anywhere from five seconds to five days. But I nearly always come out of the experience feeling pumped up for future battles with those heartless readers at competitions and journals who reject my work.

Not today. Today I had one of those 'good' rejections I've heard tell about.

Last month I entered the BBC Future Talent Award. I learned about it rather late in the day and consequently had about two weeks after Christmas to plot, write and revise my entry. Despite the rush I was happy with the piece I sent off. It turns out I had reason to be.

Okay, I wasn't shortlisted. But, with over 160 entries, I was longlisted. More than that, they're more than happy to hear from me in the future and have encouraged me to mention the longlisting on any correspondence so they don't immediately disregard anything I send them.

It might not be a win but I feel like it's a leap in the right direction. That one email constitutes the best news in relation to my writing I've had in... months, years even. If that isn't at least a partial win then what is?

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